Friday, November 28, 2008

Anyone...Bueller? Bueller? (CONTEST) anyone out there, or am I just talking to myself? Ok, I talk to myself (and my dolls, and my plants, and my fish) all the time, but blogging to myself puts me that much closer to wacko-dom. So if you are out there, and are actually reading my attempt at a blog - please leave a lil' comment (any comment will do, just so long as it isn't obscenity or spam). You will be entered in a drawing that could win you THREE CarlaC patterns of your choice (see the e-patterns in my sidebar for options). That is a $29.85 value - Wowza! I'll do the drawing on Tuesday, 12/2/08.

Come on (tapping on the mike really hard) - do I have an audience, or should I slink back into weirdo lurkdom right now (after one hard week of blogging)???


  1. I'm here!! I'm here!! Your blog looks great-love the title and graphics. Team Kris rules though :)

  2. Carla! I am here, I talk to my self all the time too!
    I guess I am going to become a whack-o, cranky, quilter now!
    I have most of your patterns, but a couple. I really want to get your raglan pattern! I have just been afraid to work with knits.

  3. ME, ME, ME! I'm here! Actually working on my Thrifty Under Fifty projects! I have so many going on at once, I think I might explode! Can't wait to share what I've been doing! And thank you for commenting on my blog, I know how it feels to blog and think no one is reading! Keep it up though, please!

  4. Sorry, I'm a total lurker - but I haven't missed a single post! Put me in the drawing please!

  5. Great to see some posting action - thanks guys! I'm relieved to hear that I'm not just babbling on for my own entertainment!

  6. Your so cute Carla- we are all here- I have your blog and site bookmarked so I check it everyday. I have been hard at work with my first set of projects today, I finally found something I had been looking for :)

  7. LOL! I think I posted in the wrong spot. Anyway, you aren't babbling to yourself. Love the blog!!

  8. Hi Carla..I am loving your blog, and I have it bookmarked. Love your patterns!

  9. Late for the contest, but still wanted to say I will definitely be following your blog. I have loved every pattern I've bought from you and can't wait to "get to know" the lady behind them!!

  10. Carla, it's just me, Shelli, from Needle in a Haystack! Glad to know I'm not the only one who talks to myself and the inanimate objects around me...must be due to motherhood or something. Love the blog, and love the awesome projects your team is coming up with!, love, love all your patterns. You rock, sista!


  11. I love the picture of Dan and Louie!!! What sweet looking kids!
