Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Easy-Fits 2.0

The updated version of the Easy-Fit Pants eBook is now available on YCMT!

There seems to be a baby boom going on right now, so I added size 6 months to the already huge size range of 1-10. I also included illustrated instructions for adding ruffles to the leg openings. The wide-legged style is perfectly suited for cute ruffles, and the simple measurement technique is the same as for the cuffed version. Here are some ruffled test pants I made in the new tiny size:


They will be part of a set that I am putting together for a long overdue shower gift. If you check out the "I Made This" slideshow on the product page, you will see many ruffled Easy-Fits in there already. I've had lots of emails asking "how can I do that?" It is actually very simple to do, and adds such sweet, feminine flair to the pants.

The one "correction" I made was to take some impossibly short lengths out of the leg charts. Because of the deep rise, shorts that short would actually go up beyond the inseam and would end as mini skirts - yikes. It hasn't been an issue because most people aren't making "shorty shorts" for kids, but I have had a few sets of sharp eyes catch the boo-boo :) .

The rest of the changes are treatments that all of the eBooks will receive over the next month:

Separate files for the child-sized patterns and doll-sized patterns
- The doll patterns/instructions are still included with your purchase, but they are going to be in a different file. The dolly instructions are often involve different notions and extra steps (like hook and loop tape). For organizational reasons, it makes sense to have all of dolly's information in a separate file.

More labeling on the pattern pieces - I've included 1" test squares on every page, and the name of the pattern on each piece (thanks for the great suggestions, Teresa and Kathy)!

Even clearer instructions - I spend a lot of time lurking about boards and blogs where folks talk about my patterns (Hi Disboutiquers! - LOL). As creepy as that sounds, it is really helpful for me to learn about possible stumbling blocks. Sometimes adding a word or an arrow to a diagram can make all the difference in the world for a beginner (or someone like me who tends to skim instructions). So with each eBook, I'm going to add anything and everything that I think will be helpful and result in the highest possible rate of sewing success.

And of course, a new cover look! As I mentioned, if you already purchased this this eBook from YCMT, the new version will be in your "My Library" section. Enjoy!


  1. That is awesome! I have two God Children who are both under one year old and wanted to make some little pants for them but couldnt get the sizing right. Thanks so much for the updated version!!

  2. Woohoo! You're ebooks really are great. I never even consider buying a "regular" pattern now, I just try to make what I want out of one of yours! They are so versatile (and I think I have almost all of them!) that it is possible!

  3. Thanks Carla!
    I needed a 6mo. size for a friend, and now I won't have to do the math! :)

  4. Oh, that sounds awesome!

    I love that you added the 6 months size and I really LOVE The ruffle!

  5. Thanks Carla, I can't wait to see the updates!

  6. Hey am I the "Thanks Teresa"? Did I really just get a shout out from the Great Carla?? Wow!

    I'm excited about these updates to the patterns Carla!!! And, you are more than a lurker on the Disboutiquers, you ARE a Disboutiquer! (like it or not!)

  7. I love the updates so far Carla!!!! Thanks for taking the time to tweak them. That's why I love buying your patterns!!

  8. Thanks Carla! You are the best! The 1" test square was the one thing I would have suggested and I'm so glad to see that you're right on top of that already. I can't wait to see what else you've been up to.

  9. Oops! That's me - Amy Belmont.

  10. Wow, a shout-out to my sister and to the Disboutiquers! How cool are we? ;)

    I am loving your updates for the ebooks! They look even better than before!
