Thursday, August 13, 2009

A visit with the shrink...

...The Grocery Shrink, that is! I've been interviewed by Angela Coffman over at her fabulous blog about saving money, eating healthy, and great ideas for creative living. I talk about my patternmaking business and how it impacts our household (the good and the bad). Check it out!

I've really enjoyed getting to know Angela...she and I have so much in common! For one thing, she is a patternmaker! Her sewing pattern line Blessed Designs has lots of great offerings for mamas and their little ones. Oh how I would have loved one of these carriers when Louie was a baby!

Angela and her family are also very committed to frugal living, especially with regards to food. She even has an eBook on shrinking your bills and growing your pantry! It is amazing how affordable delicious cuisine can be! Around here, my husband does most of the grocery shopping, and he is very attuned to price and value. One thing that he is really big on is NOT buying expensive, out of season vegetables. That doesn't mean we do without, however. In fact, this time of year we make great strides towards shrinking our grocery bills. Here are some harvest pics in Angela's honor:











Our freezer is getting very full, and the process has been very therapeutic! Thanks, Shrink!


  1. Carla - You snuck this update in and I just found it! Love the interview!!!! And WOW...look at the fruits of Carla/Del/Louie 's hard work in the garden! Everything looks so yummy!!!

  2. I need someone to come down here and teach me how to grow stuff LOL.
