Monday, February 23, 2015

Button Tab Add On for the Devon with FREE pattern

Today we have a FREE pattern add on for you! It is a simple add on and tutorial, but I think you'll agree this button tab really adds a whole new look to the Devon
Get the pattern for FREE and then come on back here!

Sew the Devon up to the step where you sew the side seams.

You will put the 2 pairs of mirror images right sides together of the tabs and sew around them. Clip the curves around the seams and turn out and top stitch.

Before you sew up the side seams place the tab about 6 inches up from the bottom of the sleeve pieces right in the center with the pretty side of your button hole looking at you and stitch across the top, tucking your ends in first for a clean finish.

Then sew the button a little above the tab's stitch line on the right side of the fabric as seen above. Finish sewing the Devon as per the pattern. 

And a thanks to my (Jeanine's) lovely mom for modelling !


  1. well, JT, now I know where you get your good looks and personality from! Beautiful mom, beautiful sewing!

  2. She looks amazing! Beautiful clothing and a beautiful smile to top it off!

  3. How pretty! (The blouse is nice, too)

  4. She looks so happy!! Great job!

  5. I love this, I have to get around to making this pattern

  6. Your mom is adorable and that fabric is very pretty. Thanks for the tutorial!

  7. Your mom looks great! And that shirt looks great on her. I hope she wears that color often....because it's perfect on her.
