Thursday, August 22, 2013

Shana and emily Sew-A-Long Day 2!

 Welcome to day 2! Today we start the actual sewing of the tunic - yay!!!

The first thing I want you to do is to set your machine to the longest stitch length there is and sew a row or two of basting stitches in between the tunic front. 2 rows will help keep your gathers nice and pretty as you sew the collar on, just so you know why to take that extra time to sew that extra row :)

You can see here where the stitching goes and also the collar direction...

Gather lightly by pulling the bobbin threads - to match up with the collar center two notches (seen below)
and put your collar front right sides together with the tunic front - the collar piece should be looking down as seen in the above photo. 

Now pin pin pin! Seriously - don't be afraid to use many pins!

And here you can see the one collar piece all pinned together to the tunic front (see how many pins I used!)

Now be sure to set your stitch length back to normal  and sew about the collar along the pinned edge.

Turn your collar out and press the insides edges towards the collar facing.

Once you have the innards ironed to the facing get your other facing piece and lay on top of your sewn on one as seen below 

Now sew a long the outside edge (as seen below)

after stitching you will need to trim the inside down - I used pinking shears and they worked perfect and everything folded out nicely.

Then iron the piece you just sewed on all the way around so you have a bit of a folded about lip as per the patterns directions.

Now don't worry about finishing that front with topstitching just yet - we will get to that! 

You will now do your back collar/facing :) But tomorrow ! I think it is snack time which means time to stop for the day! Don't forget to find us on Facebook!

Who wants to tell me how the sew-a-long is going? or your favourite colour?? My favourite colour is pink :)

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