Wednesday, April 23, 2014

BUNDLE UP! A fun and exciting new sales bundle!

Ready for some exciting news?

We are so excited to be in a few bundles this spring!!! The first pdf pattern bundle we are in is new and different and called Bundle Up! No need for the patterns to be warm and cozy though - these patterns are clearly singing spring and summer!  Have a read to see what is in the bundle and your buying options and then get ready to shop this Saturday!

Welcome to the first installment of Bundle UP! Bundle UP is a collective of your favorite established PDF sewing pattern designers coming together to offer you a sweet deal on both hot new patterns and your favorite closet staples from past releases. 

 What makes Bundle UP different from other bundle sales? 

  • We only feature established designers whose patterns and reputation you already know and trust.
  • We create themed bundles. Our first bundle is Girls, coming next Women's. This way you get more of what you need and none of what you don't. 
  • We offer primarily  strong&new release patterns and throw in a couple oldies but goodies to round out the bundle
  • We allow you to Build a Better Bundle. You get to pick and choose which patterns and how many to include in your bundle (minimum of 6 patterns for bundle pricing). 
  • The more you buy, the more you save! 

Are you ready to see who is in the first Bundle UP sale?

How does it work?

These patterns are already a great bargain, marked down about 50% from their retail prices, but we have an even better deal in store for you. The more you buy, the better deal you score! You must buy at least 6 patterns to get bundle pricing, but the more you add to your cart, the cheaper they get. Here are the details:
  • $4.50 each for 6 ($27 total)
  • $4.25 each for 8 ($34 total)
  • $4.00 each for 10 or more ($40- $44 total)

Are you ready for a SNEAK PEEK?

The sale goes live this Saturday April 26th,

 so stay tuned for details!

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