So a couple weeks ago I showed you Cheeks Precious dress as a top Minnie birthday shirt.
Today it is the day to share with you the second part of her look - the pants!
For these pants I used stretch denim and the Katie Fancy Pant pattern in her almost outgrown size (18m). I skinnyfied the leg and then I added the Field Research Pant cargo pockets to the legs!
To skinny the leg you simply fold in the flares as seen below. I also skipped the facing and just did a double fold for the hem (added a little extra length to the pants to account for this)
I sewed the pockets on exactly as in the Field Research Pants directions and attached them about knee to the sides as shown in the FRP directions.
I still think this is one of my favourite outfits for Cheeks! I love the modern Minnie top and the skinny floral pants with it totally brings in a modern feel but still "kid".
ps. my husband said right aways when I finished sewing this look that he liked both pieces separate but thought the top with the bottoms was too busy! I told him he was crazy because I love it! haha.
Whose team are you on? Would you pair all these prints together or do you prefer them separate?
I think that because you have black showing at the neckline and black shoes, the look ties in. It is busy, but the black helps to balance it out, so it is alright! :)