It has been a cold, snowy week, but spring is on the way. According to the forecast, we are going to be in the mid-60's this weekend - YAY! One of my favorite styles for spring is the classic A-line. Yet another one of my friends had a beautiful baby girl, so I made her a springy little dress from my A-line eBook. The applique is a letter from Kimberbell's name pillow set. I love the whimsical look of this font and have used it on several baby gifts. The bloomers are just Easy-Fits with a casing and a bit of elastic in the cuffs, and the bow was made using Lamb's ABC Bow instructions.

A-lines are incredibly easy to make - very little piecing, no gathering, and no hemming. They can be made to be reversible, too, so you can get two looks for the price/effort of one. The only thing that can be tricky is the last little seam. In the updated version of this eBook, I've further broken down the finishing technique, and included fresh new pictures of the steps. I also shifted the sizes to give a roomier fit in the chest area. So basically, the old 8 is now the 7, the old 7 is now the 6, and so on. The tinest size is down to a size 0 (great for baby gifts), and I drafted a new, larger size 8.

My little sprouts are doing well. They are a bit spindly, but that is to be expected giving their growing conditions. This weekend, I am going to transplant them into new digs to give them more room to spread those little roots. As much as I'm enjoying having a little garden on my entertainment center, I'll be so glad to get them outside. I'm sure the feeling is mutual :) .
Thanks for the updated A-line- it is getting to be that kind of weather isn't it! And your garden looks great- I am sure they will be glad to put their toes in the ground.
Outfit is too cute!!!
Carla, that a-line is absolutely adorable!!! And you always go the extra mile with the way you personalize items.
I'm loving your little sprouts. I'm so ready for spring!
I wish you could be my personal seamstress! It's absolutely adorable!!
What a cute gift!
I don't have your A-line pattern! I will have to go get it! :)
I CAN NOT WAIT to see your new dress!!
OK I want the A-line pattern--especially since it can be made down to a size 0!!! So have you put these two patterns together yet for us or do we have to get them separately. Those little bloomers are just toooo cute with the a-line top! Put it together (with the elastic measurements or placement area) and I'll buy it from you! This will be perfect for my granddaughter due end of April/early May!!!
OK forget I said that--wherever my comment went--Anyway, I just got two bundle packs from YCMT and they have both those items in them. So maybe I'll have something cute to show soon for ya.
Awwwww, that is the cutest outfit Carla!! Which reminds me, I need to make a baby gift for a friend who had a boy...hmmmm....I don't think the aline would work....I will have to think of something else. hahaha
The sprouts are doing soooo well!!! And I have to tell you something...I may be teaching biology next year...imagine that...after years and years of physical science...I may need some of your seeds!!! hahaha
Thanks for the update and the larger sizes. I made a 7 for Jenna and was wondering if she did some growing on me. It was a little smaller than what she needed.
I love the little springy a-line! So cute with the bloomers.
I am IN LOVE w/ this outfit. I have been putting off buying the A line pattern for TOO LONG!!! I have at least 3 baby showers coming up and planning on making burp cloths and bibs but an outfit like this would be the perfect addition (except a close friend who I'm making the trifecta for in faux shantung!)I have got to get sewing next of the showers is the 21st. Of course I have fabric in my stash I could use but what fun would that be...I MUST go to Joann's!
OK...Now I'm gonna be sewing for the next two weeks for this shower!! I went to get your a-line top off my wish list...FINALLY and remembered the sweet little peanut doll by Bit of Whimsy that I HEART. What could be sweeter in a baby gift basket? UGH. Why can't I go to Target like everyone else???
Are the instructions for the bloomers in the revised EFP? I mean, if I HAVE to I guess I can figure it out ;)
That spring a-line is just adorable! I think the monogram just sets it off perfectly. I sometimes will throw a pocket on there because sometimes the a-line looks a little plain to me but next time I am definitely copying you and adding a "M"!
This outfit is just too cute and definitely says spring is here! My daughter loves lady bugs so I may have to make her an outfit like this. (Her name also starts with an "M" so I love the idea of adding a personal touch). Your patterns are so detailed and I love all the work you have put into them. I would love to make the bloomers and was wondering if in the future you would add this extra detail to the easy fit pants pattern. Thanks!
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